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open terrain中文是什么意思

用"open terrain"造句"open terrain"怎么读"open terrain" in a sentence


  • 开阔地形


  • It ' s dicey , sir . aii that open terrain in broad dayiight
  • We faced a two - day walk through open terrain patrolled by the enemy
  • This phenomenon typically occurs over open terrain on a day with clear skies and calm winds
  • Bozhou covers an area of 8 , 394 square kilometers , with a flat and open terrain slightly sloping from northwest to southeast by an average slope of 1 . 3 per cent
    全境国土总面积8394平方公里,地势平坦开阔,自西北向东南微倾,坡降约1 / 7500 。
  • For instance , bounds across relatively open terrain can be long - both in the interest of getting across as quickly as possible and because the range of the overwatch element is higher due to the open terrain
    例如,在开阔的地形跃进的幅度应该大一些? ?这是为了保证队伍快速穿越此地带,也因为开阔地形可提供观察掩护的距离很远。
用"open terrain"造句  



Open terrain, open country or open ground is terrain which is mostly flat and free of obstructions such as trees and buildings. Examples include farmland, grassland and specially cleared areas such as an airport.
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